Junior Preparatory Weekly Memo

31 January 2025

Dear Parents,

Our learners enthusiastically participated in the sport and co-curricular activities that commenced this week. It has been wonderful to see the energy and creativity in our classrooms and on the fields. 

Please take note of upcoming events:


Staff email addresses: Staffing
General Preparatory email address: prep@parklands.co.za
IT queries: Christian Oertel, Network Manager - choertel@parklands.co.za


First Assembly for 2025

We held our first Prep Assembly on Monday and our Grade 1s were the shining stars of the day! They sang the school song so beautifully and listened carefully to the reminders from Mrs Lamb. Everyone was introduced to our Senior Preparatory Principal, Principal Paul, who sang a fun song

Principal Paul singing.mp4

Co-Curriculars Start

The JP Drama Society has started off with gusto! The sneaky warm-ups were a delight!

For their first class, Junior Chefs whipped up a storm in the kitchen, baking delicious Berry Pancake Bites. 

Junior Preparatory Orchestra taking up their instruments to practise in harmony. 

Robotics Club with Miss Mbikwana.

Book Club members gathered around to share their favourite reads.

Grade 3 Marimba .mp4

Grade 3 Marimba band with Mr Ernstzen.

Design Society members are learning new hand skills with woollen embroidery. 

Grade 2 ballet dancers in full swing!

Classroom Features

The Grade 2 classes have started Art with loads of creativity as they mix and match bug bodies and design a new minibeast species.

Mrs Thyssen's Grade 1 class learning about penguin one and the letter 's'.

Breaktime fun

Mrs De Aguiar's class cooling off with an ice-lolly at break.


Birthday Books

What a festive start to the year as we filled the stage at our assembly on Monday to wish these boys and girls a happy birthday. And if you look closely, you may notice three sets of twins!   Thank you to Brody and Shamiso for donating books during the past week: a Dr Seuss book filled with ocean creatures, and the beautiful Tangled, respectively.

To our new parents: A Birthday Book is a voluntary book donation on a child’s birthday. The book is identified by a sticker that bears your child’s name. You are welcome to contact the librarians if you need guidance in choosing a suitable book.

World Read Aloud Invitation

We look forward to welcoming our parents on Wednesday, and hearing the magical sound of stories coming to life in our gardens. 

Extreme Reading Challenge

The challenge is on and we are excited about receiving all the creative photographs. If you are going anywhere, make sure that there is a book in the car in order to make the most of any photo opportunities. Have fun!

Book Donation

Thank you so much to the Perumal Family for a generous donation of beautiful children's books that will be treasured in our libraries.  Please remember that we can find a home for your pre-loved books in our four libraries, or with other schools in our area.

Book Club

Our Book Club met for the first time this week and it was important to capture the moment. Watch this space for regular updates on their book adventures!


For Blog 29 Jan.pdf



1st Full week of sport!

Dear Parents,

What a fantastic start to the sporting year! Sports practices took off this week, and with matches kicking off next week, the excitement is building.

We had successful swimming trials, with Coach Nadine sharing her enthusiasm:

"What an awesome start to the sporting year! Last week, we got things rolling with Grade 3 swimming trials – and the turnout was amazing-32 excited Grade 3s jumped in for their first swimming trials.

If this is a sign of what’s to come in 2025, we’re in for an exciting year! It’s great to see so many learners stepping up, trying new things, and getting involved. I can’t wait to see the progress they make – whether in the pool, on the courts, or out on the field.

Here’s to another action-packed week of sport!

Yours in Sport,
Jared Margetts
Head of Preparatory Sports

The Week That Was:

Our swimming trials are done and dusted, and the swim squad has been selected

It’s been a jam-packed start, with cricket, golf, softball, swimming, and tennis all hitting the ground running. 

Making Waves in PE!

Our PE swimming programme has been making waves, with all grades taking part this past week. We encourage learners of all abilities to participate - whether they’re diving in or just dipping their toes! While we’re not a Learn to Swim school, our team is committed to working with every child, even those who’d rather start by sitting poolside. Check out some PE swimming and Mini Cricket action shots from the week! 

Some action shots of JP Swimming trials

Looking Ahead:

Sport Matches are here!
Next week, the action continues as we gear up for our first matches on Thursday, with the U9 cricket and softball teams leading the charge. Parents will be notified by Monday 3 February if their child/children are selected for the fixture. Get ready for a busy week of sport!

On That Note:
We need your consent for sports travel to away fixtures/practices. Please click the link below and select "Agree."

Consent to travel for Sport 

Tennis: Exciting news - tennis resumes as normal this coming week on our newly resurfaced courts! 🎾✨ Get ready to break in the fresh courts and sharpen those serves.

Game on! 💪🏽🔥

Sport Calendar:

Sport Quick Links


Every quarter our school collects items for our local community in need. For the first quarter, we will be collecting food for animals in need at Fallen Angels. 

Sunday 2 February

Happy Birthday Anastacia Mvulana

Tuesday 4 February

Grade 3 Outing to The Two Oceans Aquarium Consent Form for Grade 3 Aquarium Outing

Wednesday 5 February

World Read Aloud Day ( Join us  at 9:30 and bring a book to read to your child/children and a picnic blanket.)

Wednesday 12 February

Happy Birthday Andrea Martch

Friday 14 February

Friendship Day (Dress in red, white or pink)

Grade 3P and 3A Cake Sale

Riaan Manser with the ultimate Friendship Story Grade 2 - 6 @ 12:00

Saturday 15 February

VRS Mini Cricket Festival

Open Day

Monday 17 February

Happy Birthday Nikki Niemand

Tuesday 18 February

Happy Birthday Kirsten Hartley

Friday 21 February

International Mother Language Day

Saturday 1 March

TVPS Mini-Cricket Festival / Curro Century City Mini Cricket Festival

Sunday 2 March

Dr Seuss' Birthday

Tuesday 11 March

Happy Birthday Christopher Robin Pre-Primary

Friday 14 March

Happy Birthday Nadia Rabe

Grade 3R, 1L, 2L & 3L cake sale
Final Day for outreach collection: Fallen Angels

Monday 17 March

Monday Gr 1 "My First  Photograph in Gr 1" in JP library

Tuesday 18 March

Grade 2 and 3 Individual Photographs

Wednesday 19 March

18:00 'Autumn Awakening' Choir Concert 

Friday 21 March

Public Holiday: Human Rights Day

Tuesday 25 March

Reports Released

Report Feedback Meetings

Wednesday 26 March

Report Feedback Meetings
Thursday 27 March

Report Feedback Meetings

Friday 28 March

Last day of the Quarter

Saturday 29 March

Happy Birthday Sisanda Mvulana

Dates for 2025

Summer Quarter: 20 January - 28 March

Autumn Quarter: 08 April - 25 June

*Mid-term break: 29 April - 2 May

Winter Quarter: 22 July - 23 September

Spring Quarter: 14 October - 05 December

Cake sales

Classes will all have an opportunity to host a cake sale and there is much excitement as the children eagerly look forward to this treat.  Cake sale money is used to support various outreach projects.

We request that items such as cupcakes, popcorn, crisps, muffins, etc. are sent in by the classes that are hosting the cake sale. Please ensure that items donated for cake sales do not contain nuts. We love healthy goodies, especially popcorn!

Parents are welcome to send the year's money in advance to be kept safely locked away (i.e. 6  cake sales x R10=R60.00) or send in R10 on cake sale days.

If you are able to assist at your class cake sale from 09h40, please notify your child’s class teacher.

Friday 14 February: Grade 3P and 3A Cake Sale

Friday 14 March: Grade 3R, 1L, 2L & 3L Cake sale

Friday 9 May: Grade 2R and Grade 2K Cake Sale

Friday 30 May: Grade 2P & 2A Cake Sale

Friday 19 September: Grade 1P & 1A Cake Sale

Friday 24 October: Grade 1R & 1K Cake Sale


Ed-Admin Multi Portal Installation

The new Ed-admin Multi Portal App (Ed-admin MP) is now available on the Google and Apple App stores. The features include access to your child’s reports, calendar activities and daily attendance records to mention a few.

To install the App please follow the below instructions:

1.) Download the Ed-Admin Multi Portal App by using the relevant link below:

●  Apple App Store:

●  Google Play Store:
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.edana.edadmin&hl=en&gl= US

2.) Enter 230034 (Parklands College Code) and your email address to log in. For your convenience, please refer to the image below:

3.) The next step will require you to enter the login code sent to you via email. For your convenience, please refer to the image below:

Please ensure that you keep this App updated otherwise you will be logged out and will have to repeat the above process to regain access.

Edana App - Individual Music Time slots 

Currently the Edana App does not generate specific time slots for each individual Music lesson. You will observe that the lessons are set for Monday 08:00-08:30. 

Please contact your child’s Music educator should you wish to confirm their individual lesson time. 


Please read through the Parent and Learner Directory, which includes important information about Parklands College and the Junior Preparatory learners.

Junior Preparatory 2025 Parent and Learner Directory


Parklands College and Christopher Robin Pre-Primary parents who are in business are able to list their businesses in our Parent Business Directorywww.parklands.co.za/parent-business-directory/

LISTINGS ARE FREE and include contact information as well as the opportunity to include a business logo or advert.  Listings are available 24/7 on the College website and will be updated each quarter.

Should you be interested in marketing your business to over 1000 families, email: marketing@parklands.co.za to get started.

All listings will be subject to the College’s final approval.

This week's feature business is...


Looking ahead to the Grade 3 outing to the Aquarium and World Read Aloud Day next week, we are eager to create meaningful and enjoyable experiences for our learners. Thank you for your continued support.

Warmest wishes for a lovely weekend to all our families!

Chantel Lamb

Junior Preparatory Principal
