Curriculum & Learning


Levels of Learning


At the beginning of the year our Grade 1-3 learners have fun completing some baseline assessment activities. This assists our teachers to understand each learner's strengths and areas for growth. Differentiated teaching and extension/support takes place once the learners' individual level of learning is ascertained. Learners in Grade One start with basic reading cards and books and once their skills are assessed, where appropriate, they are given more complex readers and work.


Academic Reports Quarter One


Assessments in the Foundation Phase (Grade 1 - 3) takes place daily, in order for teachers to identify and support each learner's individual needs.  Grade 1 learners receive a progress report at the end of the quarter with detailed comments.  Grade 2 and 3 learners receive the standard report, which reflects codes and a comment.  At the end of the quarter, all parents have the opportunity to meet with the class teacher to discuss their child's overall academic progress.

Academic Reports Quarter Two, Three and Four 


Foundation Phase (Grade 1 – 3) learners continue to complete both formal and informal assessments throughout the quarter on a regular basis to improve the knowledge, understanding or skills of the learners.  They receive the standard report, which reflects codes and a comment from the class teacher.  At the end of quarter Two and Three, parents have the opportunity to meet with the class teacher to discuss their child's academic progress.

First Additional Language (FAL)

Our Grade 1 - 3 learners have a choice between Afrikaans FAL and isiXhosa FAL. Learners in Grade 1 will have the option to choose between Afrikaans FAL or isiXhosa FAL and learners in Grade 2 - 3 can either continue with Afrikaans FAL or change to isiXhosa FAL from 2025 onwards.

It will be automatically assumed that learners wish to continue in their chosen 2024 FAL should the form not be completed.