Sport & Co-Curriculars


For Blog 29 Jan.pdf


Sport Days (during the school day)

Grade 1: Tuesday and Thursday from 1-2 pm
Grade 2: Monday and Wednesday from 1-2 pm
Grade 3: Monday and Friday from 2-3 pm

Sport Kit
Grade 1 and Grade 2 learners may wear their sports kit to school on their two Grade sport days as well as their PE Day. Grade 3 learners may wear their sports kit to school on their PE day. Grade 3 learners are to bring their sports kit to school in the navy drawstring bag, on their sport days. The learners will change at school before their chosen sport.

PE & Swimming
Please pack in Parklands Swimming costumes / Parklands Swimming Cap / Towel and sunblock. 

Although coaches guide and support learners during swimming in Physical Education lessons, we are not a Learn to Swim School and for their own safety it is critical that learners are water safe and able to swim.  Please liaise with the coaches if you need contact details for LEARN TO SWIM schools for your child to attend.

Sunblock & Sun Hats
Please apply sun block on all exposed parts of your child’s body before they come to school in the morning. All learners must wear the Parklands College cap/hat for break time and sports. In order to protect your child’s skin from the harsh rays of the sun, we have a “no hat, no play” policy.


Music Lessons

We invite parents of all current individual music learners as well as those wishing to commence individual lessons in 2025 to please complete the following enrolment form: JP Individual Music

We require a new form to be completed annually. A form for Ensembles, including Marimba, Choir, and Orchestra, will be shared at the start of 2025.

We will endeavour to ensure that your child is placed with the same teacher as in 2024, but we can only finalise a time slot at the start of 2025.

Dance Lessons

Please follow the link below for more information pertaining to our Dance Department.
Dance Link